04 Jul, 2017

Value based Education for Children in Assam

A copy of the original article, published in 2017 Luitor Pora Mississippi, an annual publication by Asom Sahitya Sabha, North America.

The author visited several schools in Assam in 2017, both in the private sector as well as in the Government sector. During his stay, he and his ADI colleagues met with many interested people, from various walks of life in Guwahati and Jorhat. The intent was to bring awareness and implementation of Value education in the schools.

1.0 Preamble 

This white paper is put together to understand the requirement for urgent implementation of Value based Education (VbE) in our schools, efforts being made by various educational organizations, the status of these efforts, identify the gaps, and find solutions for a long lasting impact of value education. Although, the discussion is more in the context of Assam, it is applicable for the rest of India as well. The note has been prepared based on information available in the website, and my discussion with several concerned and knowledgeable persons in Assam.

We tell all our children how they have to work hard to achieve good results in their school tests and examinations.



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